Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

kumpulan games java

assalam mualaikum gen

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baik lah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit hiburan di hp java anda agar hp anda tidak membosan kan, insaallah cocok untuh semua type hp java.
langsung saja ke TKP.
colong games nya di bawah sinni jgn lupa like and komen:

  1. anmiral havoc_176x208.jar
  2. age of empires3_128x162 248x320.jar
  3. age of empires3_176x208.jar
  4. age of empires3 240x320.jar
  5. allods_128x160.jar
  6. allods_176x220.jar
  7. ancient empires3 176x220 176x208.jar
  8. anno 1701_204x320.jar 
  9. colonial wars_240x320.jar
  10. colonial wars_176x220.jar
  11. command and conquer red alart mobile_176x220.jar
  12. command and conquer red a_240x320.jar
  13. command conquer4_240x320.jar
  14. down warrorir_204x320.jar
  15. dune2 the battle for arrakiss_240x320.jar
  16. glory of the roman empire_240x320.jar
  17. good of were_240x320.jar
  18. guns and glory_240x320.jar
  19. dune 2 the battle for arrakisss 240x320.jar
  20. fantazise the war_240x320.jar
  21. glory of the roman empire_240x320.jar
  22. guns and glory 240x320.jar
  23. lagions of rome 240x320.jar
  24. legions of rome 320x240.jar 
  25. matchstick wars 240x320.jar 
  26. navy challenge.jar
  27. pirate ship battles 240x320.jar
  28. rehistoric tribes 240x320.jar
  29. risk 240320.jar
  30. romans and barbarians 240x320.jar
  31. sea battle.jar
  32. shadow of rome 240x320.jar
  33. sind meiers civilization4 240x320.jar

"wassalam mualaikum"

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